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Small Satellite Conference 2024
August 5th–August 10th
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
Utah State University
September 16th–September 20th
Masapalomas, Gran Canaria Island
ExpoMeloneras Conference Center
ExpoMeloneras Conference Center
The RADiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference is an annual European (and, more generally, international) scientific and industrial forum on radiation and its effect on electronics and photonics materials, devices and systems. Every year it attracts hundreds of scientists and engineers from all over the world, focusing on the latest advances and results about open topics and challenges related to radiation effects.
Cutting-edge research on the effects of the space, terrestrial and artificial radiation environments on electronic devices will be presented by world-leading experts in a friendly atmosphere, together with the most recent radiation data, collected on components of high interest for the space community.