Facility Overview

Radiation Test Solutions (RTS) operates from a 35,000 sq/ft laboratory in Colorado. The expansive facility enables our staff to complete services faster and more cost-effectively. Our facility in Colorado Springs has operated for 30 years. When RTS purchased the laboratory, many of the staff transitioned with the equipment and work. We have a dedicated and very experienced staff of 25+ engineers, many of whom have worked at this location for decades.

Radiation Testing Expertise

RTS is a leading provider of radiation effects testing and analysis, supporting our clients’ testing needs from small to large. We perform all Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) radiation testing methods, including SEE, ELDRS, TID, flash X-ray and displacement damage (14 MeV Neutrons) tests.

RTS’ facility incorporates:

Additionally, RTS offers electrical design consultations and analysis for equipment intended for space and ground operations. Our experts can use a substantial assortment of electronic testers, scopes, power supplies, spectrum analyzers, and a TVAC for thermal tests at vacuum to measure a test article’s performance.

RTS Solutions

RTS’ wealth of knowledge and sophisticated technology is one call or click away. Please contact us to discuss your project or program needs via email or phone:
